Producer Gas Generator
A non-conventional, co-generation, renewable energy source, a Green project. Utilizes Municipal Solid Waste as feedstock, viz. waste wood, saw dust, furniture waste wood, industrial/domestic scrapped wood, bagasse, rice husk, coconut shells, thermocol, waste paper, rubber, tyres, coal etc.
Gasification- this process is a major achievement in the development of renewable energy systems. It is a thermo chemical process of cracking by heat in the absence of oxygen that converts solid waste to a gaseous fuel called Producer Gas. This producer gas is fuel for shaft power/ thermal power in the equipments like Boilers, kilns, dryers, rolling mill, Gas turbines, Engines etc. The equipment to be utilized is the new generation Producer Gas Generator, a modified version developed by consistent R&D at Bijendra Energy & Research by incorporating new modifications to get better viability of Producer Gas
Generators to obtain clean, rich and consistent supply of Producer Gas, which 3 has better calorific values(2000-2800kCal/Sm with negligible soot and smoke which is formed by cracking of Tar with gasification efficiency and low feedstock consumption rate. Further volatile matter contents of the feedstock are converted into fix carbon which on gasification increases the calorific value of Gas and reduces feedstock consumption and increases the overall efficiency of Producer Gas Generator.
The in-line ESPs (Electrostatic Precipitator) help in total removal of tar developed in the process of gasification.